Firstly, what is SQDCP? SQDCP is an acronym for Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost and People. It acts as a daily management system to ensure leaders and colleagues within the business are managing the correct aspects that tie into the business’s high-level goals and aspirations. It takes the form of a daily stand-up 15-minute meeting that involves everyone within a specific work area, and a leadership meeting which involves someone representing each area, to escalate any issues and provide feedback to their teams on overall business performance and news.
By focusing on 5 key business pillars, a business can provide clarity around performance (based on data, not opinion), improve communication between colleagues and leadership by providing a regular platform, and essentially implement a framework and structure to daily work that most effectively utilises people’s time. Therefore, eliminating all those unnecessary meetings that clog up people’s day.
SQDCP can improve your business by delivering accurate daily data that is impacting your business. By measuring daily, you can rapidly spot both positive and negative trends in performance and effectively shift from a reactive to a proactive state of mind, limiting the negative impact of events and maximising the benefit while managing risk. By adhering to the concept of incremental gains you will quickly realise how important each day is and how you can easily capitalise on presented opportunities just by managing what is measured.
An example of a metric for Safety could be # of days without a recordable incident. While this is an important metric for most operational facilities, the key to driving engagement from your team is to make the metric relevant and link it to key business drivers that determine the success or failure of the business. By making the metric proactive and something that your people can affect, rather than a reactive reporting style metric you will get the most out of your team and incrementally build a stronger forward-thinking business. If the team can't proactively affect the metric, then pick another one. A great example would be a quota of proactive process risk assessments, conducted by different members of the team, proven to reduce the risk of a lost time incident while also improving your business processes and being relevant to the team day to day standard work.
Although SQDCP can have significant short-term benefits to a business it is also an effective long-term strategy to build morale within a team. By providing that all-important communication platform between different teams and management, it drives individual accountability for processes and teams while filtering out the noise which can distract and offset a business. By giving people the respect and ability to be heard, you are giving the business the most effective opportunity to benefit from their skills and creativity, which in turn drives morale and purpose in their work.
If you can see how SQDCP or a Daily Management System can benefit your business, then why not get in touch to find out how it can be boosted by linking it to Strategy and Policy Deployment.
Comment below what key performance indicators your business would measure!
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